Monday, November 28, 2011

Wheelin' and Gustin'

Sup, my me gustites. Thanks for checking out my blog today. Let's get to work.

I am one week off of my 2nd surgery and still very sore. I'm not writing this post to get you to feel bad for me (but if you want to feel free).  I'm writing this to say… MESS WITH WHEELCHAIRS!!!!  I'm currently in a wheel chair because they had to go back into my right foot when they were doing my left foot. I'll tell you something… it sucks! 

Right now, I am soooooo glad that whenever I got a chance to mess around in a wheelchair I took it.  Now to all you kids out there who get yelled out when you do this by your parents… don't listen to em' kids! Someday, you might need a surgery on both of your feet at the same time and your gonna be like "How in the HECK am I supposed to wheel around in this????" Fear not little lads, for I bring you gust tidings of great wisdom.


Don't bother with all that pop a wheelie stuff, for you will not be able to do that kind of  crap when both of your feet are crippled. 

Now, I totally agree with the Ten Commandment "Honor thy Father and Mother."  But in this instance, they don't know what they are talking about. LISTEN to your gust, obey your gust, and me gust your gust and you shall not falter.

I'll be wheelin' around for at least the next week so, if you ever need wheel chair advice… gust me. Stay sweet everybody.


Songs Listened To:
Coldplay Album

Monday, November 7, 2011

Crutches and Things Like Flat Feet

Hola Muchachos. I maj preesh you for entering today. Let's get to work.

All yards in my neighborhood are the same length... that is awesome.

Summer was awesome.

Transferred my Rumor phone to a Seek.

Went to my first Buckeye game.

Beat uncle Bill, uncle Steve, and KG in ping pong.

Lance overdosed on Mountain Dew and 4oz of Coke-a-cola.

Oh yeah and Micheal Jackson? Yeah, he's dead. (maj respect)

Buckeyes beat Wisconsin.

Started senior year.

Orv is going crazy and is hilarious so nothing's changed there.

Lance bass? Yeah, he's gay.

I'm niche at Tetris on facebook.

Facebook changed their layouts twice and they both sucked worse than the ones before.

Layna got her permit.

Karson moved in.

My iPod touch is stupid.

Move to iPod shuffle, washed it, didn't have any rice so put it in a bag of noodles and still doesn't work

Moved to grandpa Dave's nano.

Bieberish hair.

Wore my first v-neck.

Going to Passion 2012.

Thanksgiving is coming up.

Halloween sucked again, but 2 dollar Chipotle helped with that.

Sullinger is back and dropped weight.

Playing well to quite well in Fantasy Football.

Summer baseball lost in the Championship

Fall baseball went 11-1 and won the league.

I work in the kitchen at Raising Cane's

And the main topic is obvi........ feet. 2 weeks ago I had surgery on my right foot because is was as flat as a pancake... not even a good pancake either. I'm now in a Biomet Boot and on crutches. My right calf is like jello with no muscle which is awkward. In 2 weeks I'm gettings urgery on my left foot and I get to go through all this crap again! WOOT WOOT!...... Thanksgiving week...... no me gusta..... hopefully be 100% by Passion.

Just a little update.

Gust it.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Deaden

Hola chicos and chicas, welcome to gusta. Let's get down to it... I don't really get that expression... I guess it's stressing the metaphor, a conversation is like the ocean and at the bottom is the meaning. That's some deep crap.

It's not news to anybody (being my 4 followers who read this) that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Many people have their views on this. About 99% of the human population are glad, but what about the other 1%? I don't know, just saying. Thanks too Bin laden's death, the jokes are flowing like water from Niagara Falls. Wow, that made sense. So, thanks Bin Laden's death, people have brought many a joke to the forefronts and laughter... fun fact for you I guess.

The meaning of Osama Bin Ladens name is... well, I don't really know. Just off the top of the dome... Osama, if we break that down it's an O, Sam... So we got O, Sam... then we have Bin... like a bin of trash... that makes perfect sense... Lastly, Laden.. this one is a bit tricky... La, obvy, a music note.. and den, a place in your house (or laden could mean laid down but that's stretching it a bit.) So, there you go,+ his name came from a quote from a mother... it must've went like this "O, Sam! Take out the trash while we practice our musical notes i.e. "la's" in the den." There you go.

He probably didn't know Spanish, so he didn't know what me gusta meant. They probably didn't have speedways wherever he was from, probably didn't have many friends... or health benefits, and he will probably go down in history as America's biggest terrorist enemy person... and... he never met me and probably never read my blog. So, re -cap. A terrorist who didn't like anything, never had one of the best tastes in the world, never met the coolest person alive and read his blog, wasn't healthy, no teeth and he had no friends. Well, that sucks.

All in all, kudos America, you finally killed the guy who has caused the USA a HUGE amount of trouble. Only one thing comes to mind when I hear that... USA!USA!USA! Stay sweet everyone.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Memory Erased

Hey dudes and dudettes. Welcome to Gusta today... or tonight? Paradox...

Now, whenever I write a blog, I always say... "G-dawg (call myself that from time to time) nobody cares what you have to say and you don't even have much to say about the subject." It's pretty sad... but then, I remember the saying, less is more! After which I think Charmin Ultra but that's beside the point.

Now, we have all seen the movie "Men In Black" right? Well, if you haven't, it's about alien crap. In the movie they have this little gadget thingy, kinda like a camera, but when it takes the picture it erases ur memory! HOLY CRAP! Alright, I know there is no such thing as this gadget, but how would we know? I always think, if I were flashed by one of these things, I would totally still remember... but then, the other day I had an epiphany in every sense of the meaning. What if my mind has already been partially erased and I don't even know!!!! I just blew your freaking mind! Crazy right? I mean I could have like, saved our planet from something... or been a power ranger! That would be awesome... Oh come on, we all know everybody wants to be a power ranger. I used to think what would happen if I got home and there was a morpher on my dresser... wow, that sounded like reaaaaaaalllllllly nerdy but t!(true)

At one time me and all my cousins wanted to be power rangers! Like legit! We all had our colors, at which one point I embarrassingly admit, wanted to be the pink ranger and yellow ranger... dont even start. When I eventually got a brain, I was always the six ranger that came in later in the season. The ranger I most wanted to be (and still kind of do) was the silver ranger... man, he was tight.

Anyway, all in all, if you ever think your mind can't be erased, it could have already happened... just blew your mind... again... with pretty much the same thing... also, power rangers were awesome and will forever be awesome... and if there are ever real power rangers it'll probably be me in the silver suit. =D Stay sweet everyone


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hola. Welcome to Gusta. For all of you who still look sometimes at this blog, and haven't committed suicide because the fact that I haven't posted a post for a while... I'm not sure where I was going with that... It sounded funnier in my head.

Most of you know that I am Mexican, and proud. Through this post, I want to crush any and all Mexican stereo-types. We aren't all short, we can grow more than mustache, and we all can't jump over tremendously high fences... Just most of us. Just cause we are Mexican doesn't mean we automatically like tacos... Then again, who doesn't like tacos? We don't have ridiculously good-looking hair either... Actually, that one is true. I feel like I'm kind of proving myself wrong. Huh, I guess most those stereo-types are true.

Anyway, being Mexican is awesome. Walking around with the pride of being Mexican is a fantastic, indescribable feeling. It's not my Mexicanity that defines me... It's my gustfulness... Which comes from the Spanish phrase "Me Gusta"... Maybe my Mexicanity does define me? Well, there you go. Salsa is awesome... And burritos... And Fiestas... And piƱatas.

Even though I'm half Mexican, I am fully proud.

Remember this

"Half of a whole is something more than nothing that is something more than fully half of a whole something... Is nothing... Without something."-Andrew K. Shock

So, being Mexican is awesome. Period. Exclamation Point. Comma. Period.

As always, stay sweet.

Gust it,