Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Deaden

Hola chicos and chicas, welcome to gusta. Let's get down to it... I don't really get that expression... I guess it's stressing the metaphor, a conversation is like the ocean and at the bottom is the meaning. That's some deep crap.

It's not news to anybody (being my 4 followers who read this) that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Many people have their views on this. About 99% of the human population are glad, but what about the other 1%? I don't know, just saying. Thanks too Bin laden's death, the jokes are flowing like water from Niagara Falls. Wow, that made sense. So, thanks Bin Laden's death, people have brought many a joke to the forefronts and laughter... fun fact for you I guess.

The meaning of Osama Bin Ladens name is... well, I don't really know. Just off the top of the dome... Osama, if we break that down it's an O, Sam... So we got O, Sam... then we have Bin... like a bin of trash... that makes perfect sense... Lastly, Laden.. this one is a bit tricky... La, obvy, a music note.. and den, a place in your house (or laden could mean laid down but that's stretching it a bit.) So, there you go,+ his name came from a quote from a mother... it must've went like this "O, Sam! Take out the trash while we practice our musical notes i.e. "la's" in the den." There you go.

He probably didn't know Spanish, so he didn't know what me gusta meant. They probably didn't have speedways wherever he was from, probably didn't have many friends... or health benefits, and he will probably go down in history as America's biggest terrorist enemy person... and... he never met me and probably never read my blog. So, re -cap. A terrorist who didn't like anything, never had one of the best tastes in the world, never met the coolest person alive and read his blog, wasn't healthy, no teeth and he had no friends. Well, that sucks.

All in all, kudos America, you finally killed the guy who has caused the USA a HUGE amount of trouble. Only one thing comes to mind when I hear that... USA!USA!USA! Stay sweet everyone.


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