Greetings all you who have enter gusta today. So, let's get right down to business. Your probably wondering why I haven't posted anything in a while. You're saying to yourself "Man, why is the Gust being so lazy? Has his comedic juices finally run out?" I'll answer that with another!......? If you would refer to my other post I'm not gonna force it. I've got a job now people. I can't just be sitting around waiting for a comedic genius idea to come to me. Plus, what loser does that anyway? As Dwight Schrute once said "I am fast. To give you a reference point, I'm somewhere between a snake and a mongoose. And a panther." What the crap does that quote have to do with this blog? I have no idea, but it's funny, and that's what we are about here at gusta. (we being me)
So, in conclusion. Don't be hatin on gusta.
"For even though Gust does not blog often, when he does, the hilarity level is a 7 on a scale of 1 to 5."-Abaham Lincoln
Thanks for the backup Abe. See you thursday for poker with Elvis. Go ahead. Throw your empty sparkling grape juice bottles at the screen. (only if you have insurance on the computer. gusta can not be held liable for any broken screens. if you have questions please see my lawyer Bob Lob Law.) Remember, haters gonna keep hatin. Slushies are fantastic... go get one right now. Stay sweet.
Songs Listened To:
Your Beautiful-Phil Wickham
Closer To Love-Matt Kearney
No Air- Boyce Avenue (cover)
Broken Angel-Boyce Avenue
Safe-Phil Wickham
Your Gust
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